From the beginning

Get to know a bit about us.

From the beginning
Tofino, British Columbia (2021)

Travelling and eating. Two things we are very passionate about. Probably two things you are also very passionate about, otherwise you likely wouldn't be here, reading this.

So, welcome. Welcome to the chronicling of our weird selves and the wild adventures we will embark on.

The why

Alek and I joined forces in 2017. From the beginning, the plan was to travel and eat our way around the world together. To have a good time. To explore places we've never been. To witness things we've never seen. To smell and to taste what we've never even dreamed of. To see from different eyes. To learn things we never could have known. To broaden our horizons.

And why not document and share it with as much of the world as we can?

You must be here because you want to know more about it too.  

The history

Alek is considerably more well-travelled than I, having already visited over 30 countries (including most of Asia and Western Europe) by the time we decided to start doing life together.

Pai, Thailand (2013)

I've been on some trips. The usual. Mexico, Hawaii and other cities across Canada and the States. The furthest I'd ventured from our home on Vancouver Island was a school trip through Eastern Europe when I was 16. That trip lit the fire for me. I knew I had to see more, and I worked hard to make it happen.

Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2009)

For the first few years of our relationship we stuck close to home, taking trips around Vancouver Island, to Tofino and to Vancouver. We road tripped through Oregon and the Redwoods and even hiked through the desert in Sedona.

During this time, we planned and prepared for our first international trip together. In 2019, we were going to go to Vietnam. We were ready to take on the world.

The series of unfortunate events

Vietnam in 2019 didn't happen. In short, I didn't get my shit together in time. Unfortunate. But as we are positive and forward-thinking humans, we optimistically said "Okay, no problem. Let's wait one more year."

Vietnam was booked for April 2020. But then the most unfortunate thing happened. I'll let you figure that one out for yourself. I don't think we need to dwell on the details.

The reward

So, we waited. We kept our dream on the horizon. And in April 2022, we finally went on our first international trip together. And it was glorious.

Milos, Greece (2022)

You can read about our 2022 trip in the upcoming series of blogs, so stay tuned and be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a thing.

Full circle

If you're still here, thanks for reading.

As I write this, sitting in my pajamas on a cold February night, reflecting on how far we have come and how much further we have to go, I am quite literally vibrating with excitement. Big things are coming and we are so pumped to share this journey with you.

There are many travels to be had and much food to be eaten.

I know these passions aren't entirely uncommon, but I like to think that Alek and I are. And we know there are many weird, open minded, fun and adventurous people like us out there, looking for familiar souls to walk with through this weird and wild world.

Welcome to Atlas Alternative.

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